Saturday 1 June 2013

Body Frequencies - The Flowing

Our body has many different rhythms. The most obvious is our heart. Its beat to beat changes produce its own rhythm. Our brainwave has its own rhythm. Our blood pressure oscillation produces its own rhythm and the pace at which we breathe produces our respiratory rhythm… etc. When all our bodily rhythms are in sync with each other, our bodies will produce a powerful resonant frequency. Studies have found that there are many positive effects both physically and emotionally when our bodies vibrate at this resonant frequency.  Qigong and Tai Chi are means to reach this state of frequency union.  It has been called "The Flowing."  With enough patience and practice you will experience this.  

For human beings, the resonant frequency of our system is approximately 0.1 Hz. Studies also find that our systems naturally oscillate at its resonant frequency when we are actively feeling a sustained positive emotion such as appreciation, compassion, or love.

Each internal organ vibrates at their own higher frequencies


Lung 126 Cycles Per Minute 
Colon  108 Cycles Per Minute 
Spleen 132 Cycles Per Minute 
Stomach 132 Cycles Per Minute
Heart 126 Cycles Per Minute
Small Intestine 120 Cycles Per Minute 
Kidney 120 Cycles Per Minute 
Bladder 112 Cycles Per Minute 
Pericardium 176 Cycles Per Minute 
San Jiao (Triple Heater) 152 Cycles Per Minute 
Liver 108 Cycles Per Minute 
Gallbladder 120 Cycles Per Minute 
Ren Mai (Conception Vessel) 104 Cycles Per Minute 
Du Mai (Governing Vessel) 104 Cycles Per Minute 

*Compliments of Dr. Yoshio Manaka M.D. Japan

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